In the framework of the uninterrupted engagement of the International Co-Operative Center for a developed and sustainable society, on 11 April 2018, a seminar on:

“CS / CVE Challenges, Principles, Developments, European Approach, Best Practices, Current Trends and Key Points of Special Importance”

The guest was Dr. Mark Dechesne from the University of Leiden in the Netherlands.

Dr. Mark Dechesne visited Elbasan on dt. 11-12.04.2018. He referred to the conference organized by the Interfaith Center of Interfaith Elbasan on Sunday 11th,  and in the seminar organized by “International Co-Operative Center” on the afternoon of the same day.

His word on violent radicalism and extremism was more than one of the top five of his field in Holland.

The key points of particular importance that were addressed during the seminar were:

1- Preventing Radicalization and Radicalization Awareness Network (RAN)

  • Develop national strategies
  • Consolidate expertise
  • Align European and national interests
  • Train practitioners
  • Help individuals to “Exit”
  • Cooperate closely with civil society and private sector to deal with online threat
  • Empower victims to help prevent radicalization
  • Develop critical thinking skills

2- Dialogue on Radicalization and Equality (DARE)

  • DARE is funded under the EU H2020 framework (from 1 May 2017-30 April 2021). Empirical work will start from Month 7 (November 2017).
  • It responds to a topic on ‘Current trends in radicalisation in Europe’) under the Reversing Inequalities call of the Societal Challenges Work Programme on ‘Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies’.
  • It investigates young people’s encounters with messages and agents of radicalisation (Islamist and anti-Islamist), how they receive and respond to those calls, and how they make choices about the paths they take.
  • It aims to generate knowledge that will contribute to creating more secure but not more hostile

3- Countries involved in DARE

UK, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Malta, Tunisia

Norway, Russia, Poland, Germany, Croatia, Turkey, Greece

4- Best Practices

Daniel Koehler: Structural Integrity

  • Are the right structures in place?
  • Running & developing a programma
  • Organisation
  • Participant classification
  • Care and advisory services
  • Quality assurance
  • Transparancy

5- Actual Trends and Sensitive ISSUES

  • Continuing Misery in the Middle East
  • Women and Children
  • Muslims in Western Europe: Between Perception and Reality
  • Early Detection, Prevention and Privacy


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